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Commit 4a13acb0 authored by Ulya Trafimovich's avatar Ulya Trafimovich
Browse files

Use compiler filter "verify" for dexpreopt w/o class loader context.

In cases when class loader context cannot be computed at build time and
verify_uses_libraries check is relaxed (RELAX_USES_LIBRARY_CHECK=true)
dexpreopt uses a special compiler filter that suppresses AOT-compilation
to native code and applies only those optimizations that do not require
class loader context. Previously the "extract" filter was used. Now ART
supports using "verify" filter in this configuration.

Bug: 132357300
Test: lunch cf_x86_64_phone-userdebug && m && launch_cvd \
      adb wait-for-device && adb root && adb logcat \
      | grep -E 'ClassLoaderContext [a-z ]+ mismatch'
      # empty grep output, no errors
Change-Id: Id4933aa94ea96894278355283383c16d103e98c9
parent fe927a26
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