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Commit 8340ab60 authored by Martin Schwidefsky's avatar Martin Schwidefsky
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s390/3270: avoid endless I/O loop with disconnected 3270 terminals

If a 3270 terminal is disconnected while the tty view is active
the 3270 driver goes into an endless loop of failed I/O requests
until the terminal is connected again.

Add code to the raw3270 interrupt handler to check for unit checks
due to failed I/O requests and put the device to sleep with the
RAW3270_FLAGS_BUSY flag until a unsolicited device end interrupt
indicates that the device can be used again. while we are at it
simplify the 3270 irq handling and remove unnecessary code.

Signed-off-by: default avatarMartin Schwidefsky <>
parent 2e63a3a6
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