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Commit 342451df authored by Alexander Stein's avatar Alexander Stein Committed by Mark Brown
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spi: topcliff-pch: Transform noisy message to dev_vdbg

If during a SPI transfer with len larger than PCH_MAX_FIFO_DEPTH and the
IRQ handler happens to be called when the transmit FIFO is already empty,
and SPSR_FI_BIT is set consequently, the message
"spi_master spi32766: pch_spi_handler_sub : Transfer is not completed"
is spammed to the systemlog, because tx_index has already increased
further due to the next bytes to be written. This case is uncritical as
new bytes have already been written.

Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexander Stein <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarMark Brown <>
parent b86e81d9
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