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Commit 213213d9 authored by Bard Liao's avatar Bard Liao Committed by Mark Brown
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ASoC: rl6231: add pll preset table

Currently, rl6231_pll_calc provide a working PLL parameters for
given freq_in and freq_out. However, in some cases it is not the
perfect parameter. For example if freq_in = 19200000 and freq_out
 = 24576000, the calculated parameter will gengrate 24.5647 MHz
which is not exactly the same as what we need. But the PLL can
output 24.576 MHz as exactly what we expect if we set the best
PLL parameter.
To improve it, we put the best match parameters in a preset table.
We can search the preset table first, if there is no preset parameter
for the given freq_in and freq_out, we can still calculate a working
PLL parameter.

Signed-off-by: default avatarBard Liao <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarMark Brown <>
parent bc0195aa
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