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Commit 09f5bf4e authored by Boaz Harrosh's avatar Boaz Harrosh
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pnfs-obj: decode layout, alloc/free lseg

objlayout_alloc_lseg prepares an xdr_stream and calls the
raid engins objio_alloc_lseg() to allocate a private

objio_osd.c::objio_alloc_lseg() uses passed xdr_stream to
decode and store the layout_segment information in an
objio_segment struct, using the pnfs_osd_xdr.h API for
the actual parsing the layout xdr.

objlayout_free_lseg calls objio_free_lseg() to free the
allocated space.

Signed-off-by: default avatarBoaz Harrosh <>
[removed "extern" from function definitions]
Signed-off-by: default avatarBenny Halevy <>
parent f1bc893a
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