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Commit b41e057a authored by Ritesh Harjani's avatar Ritesh Harjani Committed by Ritesh Harjani
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mmc: sdhci-msm: Change pm_qos cpu groups latency to PM_QOS_DEFAULT_VALUE

In current pm_qos implementation - when the new pm_qos vote request
comes, the previous cpu group where pm_qos vote was put
is determined and removed if the current cpu group is different
than previous.

If the pm_qos vote of performance mode latency is put during
initialization, there can be a case where this vote will never be
released - since during init phase we can't cache the prev pm_qos cpu
group (pm_qos_prev_cpu = -1). Thus during the actual I/O sdhci_request
the pm_qos_prev_cpu will be -1 and unless the request comes once onto
each of those cpu group, the pm_qos voting can never be released.

Hence change this pm_qos vote for all cpu groups to PM_QOS_DEFAULT_VALUE
during init phase.

Change-Id: I71249b58f41850a8a84e6165d6df936eba13b218
Signed-off-by: default avatarRitesh Harjani <>
parent 2d097a73
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