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Commit e2de64ec authored by Yazen Ghannam's avatar Yazen Ghannam Committed by Thomas Gleixner
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x86/mce: Always save severity in machine_check_poll()

The MCE severity gives a hint as to how to handle the error. The
notifier blocks can then use the severity to decide on an action.
It's not necessary for machine_check_poll() to filter errors for
the notifier chain, since each block will check its own set of
conditions before handling an error.

Also, there isn't any urgency for machine_check_poll() to make decisions
based on severity like in do_machine_check().

If we can assume that a severity is set then we can use it in more
notifier blocks. For example, the CEC block could check for a "KEEP"
severity rather than checking bits in the status. This isn't possible
now since the severity is not set except for "DEFFRRED/UCNA" errors with
a valid address.

Save the severity since we have it, and let the notifier blocks decide
if they want to do anything.

Signed-off-by: default avatarYazen Ghannam <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarBorislav Petkov <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarThomas Gleixner <>
parent b8670590
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