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Tom Moulard's avatar
Tom Moulard committed
docker-compose ()
    docker-compose $(find . -name "docker-compose*.yml" -type f -exec printf " -f {}" \; 2>/dev/null) $@
} docker-compose up -d
Now you have my own server configuration.

To be a little more consistent with the management, you can use a `.env` file and do:
cp .env.default .env

and edit the file to use the correct site url.
Tom Moulard's avatar
Tom Moulard committed
The `docker-compose` function gather all docker-compose files in order to have the whole configuration in one place (`docker-compose config`).

### Tear down
docker-compose down

### New ideas
 - [X] traefik
 - [X] gitlab
    - [X] CI/CD worker(s)
 - [X] nginx
 - [X] weechat
 - [X] transmission
 - [X] vpn
 - [X] jupyter
 - [ ] readthedoc / [DokuWiki](
 - [X] pastebin
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Tom Moulard committed
 - [ ] image / screenshot hosting
 - [ ] [hackmd]( [main repo](
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Tom Moulard committed
 - [X] [prometheus]( / [EFK]( / [filebeat]( / ELK
 - [ ] proxy
 - [ ] [RSS agregator server](
 - [ ] url shortener
 - [ ] factorio server
 - [ ] news group server
 - [ ] vlc server
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Tom Moulard committed
 - [X] blog using [hugo](
Tom Moulard's avatar
Tom Moulard committed
 - [ ] MOOC
Tom Moulard's avatar
Tom Moulard committed
 - [X] [Bazarr]( (subs), [lidarr]( (music), [sonarr]( (shows), [jackett]( (interface)
 - [X] Bitwarden

### List
 - [ ] which database ? maria / mysql / mongo / postgres
    - [ ] gitlab postgresSQL / MySQL - MariaDB
    - [ ] nextcloud postgresSQL / MySQL - MariaDB / Oracle
 - [X] nginx.conf
 - [ ] create a git repository auto in gitlab for // FIXME
 - [ ] Create a Dockerfile for a mail server
 - [X] reverse proxy with ssl
 - [ ] multi files configuration
 - [ ] Testing
    - [X] traefik
    - [X] gitlab
Tom Moulard's avatar
Tom Moulard committed
    - [X] nextcloud
    - [X] nginx
    - [ ] weechat
    - [X] transmission
    - [X] vpn
    - [X] jupyter
    - [X] pastebin
Tom Moulard's avatar
Tom Moulard committed
    - [X] ELK
    - [ ] sharelatex / Overleaf
    - [X] blog

### Configuration files
 - [ ] have default configuration files
    - [X] traefik
    - [X] gitlab
    - [X] gitlab runner
    - [X] transmission
    - [ ] pastebin
    - [ ] nextcloud
    - [X] nginx
Tom Moulard's avatar
Tom Moulard committed
    - [X] ELK (WIP)

## Configuration
Don't forget to change db passwords. (migth not be needed since they are beyond
the reverse proxy).
Fill vpn secrets(if none provided, they are generated directly).
Configuration files are: `docker-compose.yml`, `nginx.conf`
echo "USERS=$USER:$(openssl passwd -apr1)" >> .env

You can add a new set of credentials by editing the .env file like
USERS=toto:pass,tata:pass, ...

### Scalling up
docker-compose scale nginx=2

### Adress table
| Status | Address | port(s)|
| [X] | traefik.${SITE} | 80, 443 (redirect 80 to 443) |
| [X] | gitlab.${SITE} | 22, 80, 443 |
| [X] | cloud.${SITE} | 80, 443 |
| [X] | ${SITE} | 80, 443 |
| [ ] | mail.${SITE} | 25(recv mail), 465(ssl), 587(TLS), 143(IMAP), 993(IMAP), 110(POP3), 995(POP3) |
| [X] | torrent.${SITE} | 80, 443 (redirect 80 to 443) |
| [X] | vpn.${SITE} | 500, 4500 |
| [X] | jupiter.${SITE} | 80, 443 (redirect 80 to 443) |
| [X] | paste.${SITE} | 80, 443 (redirect 80 to 443) |
| [X] | video.${SITE} | 80, 443 (redirect 80 to 443) |
Tom Moulard's avatar
Tom Moulard committed
### Gitlab runner
#### Get the Registration Token
Find your runner registration token ($REGISTRATION_TOKEN) at `http://GITLAB_HOST/$PROJECT_GROUP/$PROJECT_NAME/settings/ci_cd`.

There is **two** way to register the runner:

##### Register via config file
Register the Registration Token to have a Runner Token
curl -X POST 'http://gitlab.${SITE}/api/v4/runners' --form 'token=$REGISTRATION_TOKEN' --form 'description=The Best Runner'

###### Change runner configuration
Tom Moulard's avatar
Tom Moulard committed
Now change the token in the [configuration file](gitlab/runner/config.toml).
and run the runner
docker-compose up -d runner

##### Register via CLI
 - up the runner `docker-compose up -d runner`
 - register the runner
docker-compose exec runner gitlab-runner register \
    --non-interactive \
    --executor "docker" \
    --docker-image alpine:latest \
    --url "http://gitlab/" \
    --registration-token "$REGISTRATION_TOKEN" \
    --description "The Best Runner" \
    --tag-list "docker,aws" \
    --run-untagged="true" \
    --locked="false" \

# Authors
Main author:
Tom Moulard's avatar
Tom Moulard committed
 - [Tom](

Gitlab helper:
Tom Moulard's avatar
Tom Moulard committed
 - [michel_k](