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Commit 7c967b22 authored by Tom Herbert's avatar Tom Herbert Committed by David S. Miller
Browse files

net: Add remcsum_adjust as common function for remote checksum offload

This function does the work to update a checksum field as part of
remote checksum offload.

remcsum_adjust does the following:

1) Subtract out the calculated checksum from the beginning of the
   packet (ptr arg) to the start offset.
2) Adjust the checksum field indicated by offset based on the modified
   checksum value from above step.
3) Return the difference in the old checksum field value and the
   new one. The caller will use this to update skb->csum and NAPI csum.

Signed-off-by: default avatarTom Herbert <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid S. Miller <>
parent ced7a04e
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