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Commit dd5eeb99 authored by Clemens Ladisch's avatar Clemens Ladisch Committed by Stefan Richter
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firewire: core: increase default SPLIT_TIMEOUT value

The SPLIT_TIMEOUT mechanism is intended to detect requests that somehow
got lost.  However, when the timeout value is too low, transactions that
could have been completed successfully will be cancelled.  Furthermore,
there are chips whose firmwares ignore the configured split timeout and
send late split response; known examples are the DM1x00 (BeBoB), TCD22x0
(DICE), and some OXUF936QSE firmwares.

This patch changes the default timeout to two seconds, which happens to
be the default on other OSes, too.

Actual lost requests are extremely rare, so there should be no practical
downside to increasing the split timeout even on devices that work

Signed-off-by: default avatarClemens Ladisch <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarStefan Richter <>
parent d838d2c0
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