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Commit 420482e3 authored by Hardik Kantilal Patel's avatar Hardik Kantilal Patel
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icnss: Use fixed memory region for WLAN MSA0 memory

During first time boot up WLAN Platform driver allocate
1 MB MSA0 Memory region. This region may be adjacent to
other regions that also requires access control, due to
that TZ will merge the two sections into one single resource
group. During this Q6 will lose access to memory region causing
a NOC Error. To avoid use fixed memory region for WLAN MSA0

CRs-Fixed: 2066025
Change-Id: Ie878e010954524bbe48a29d6ad6f2f53848ab25e
Signed-off-by: default avatarHardik Kantilal Patel <>
parent c619a7c2
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