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Commit b1f092f6 authored by Nikolaus Voss's avatar Nikolaus Voss Committed by Anton Vorontsov
Browse files

sbs-battery.c: Capacity attr = remaining relative capacity

Currently, the capacity exported by this driver refers to reg 0x0e,
which is the absolute state of charge which according to SBS
refers to the design capacity/ energy of the battery. It can be
> 100 % and drops below 100 % for a fully charged battery with
the battery aging.

This is not what the user exspects of a remaining capacity
indication between 0 and 100 % with 100 % referring to
a fully charged battery. This is provided by SBS reg 0x0d,
which is the relative state of charge referring to the
full charge capacity.

Signed-off-by: default avatarNikolaus Voss <>
Acked-by: default avatarRhyland Klein <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarAnton Vorontsov <>
parent 81a08382
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