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Commit 4ec1f1d6 authored by Benjamin Chan's avatar Benjamin Chan Committed by Narendra Muppalla
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msm: sde: Move SDE rotator timeout evtlog outside of spinlock

During an timeout event in the SDE rotator driver, a spinlock with IRQ
is disabled in order to capture the rotator hw status registers. If
during this time performs an evtlog timeout logging, a mutex_lock
within the logging sequence will cause a panic. We must and only should
perform the evtlog timeout logging after the spinlock is released.

CRs-Fixed: 1067811
Change-Id: I56b7e5713069ad8ac8d5ae43a492a0ab0f4e82ff
Signed-off-by: default avatarBenjamin Chan <>
parent 53e3bcee
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