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Commit a7de92da authored by Dan Williams's avatar Dan Williams
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tools/testing/nvdimm: unit test acpi_nfit_ctl()

A recent flurry of bug discoveries in the nfit driver's DSM marshalling
routine has highlighted the fact that we do not have unit test coverage
for this routine. Add a self-test of acpi_nfit_ctl() routine before
probing the "nfit_test.0" device. This mocks stimulus to acpi_nfit_ctl()
and if any of the tests fail "nfit_test.0" will be unavailable causing
the rest of the tests to not run / fail.

This unit test will also be a place to land reproductions of quirky BIOS
behavior discovered in the field and ensure the kernel does not regress
against implementations it has seen in practice.

Signed-off-by: default avatarDan Williams <>
parent d6eb270c
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