Hide UDFPS background on transition Home => AOD
There are two transitions that end up on AoD: 1. Lock screen => AoD 2. Home => AoD We need to track these two transitions separately. * When the device transitions from LS => AoD, the icon has a circle background protection and shows and full (not dashed) icon. * When the device transitions from Home => AoD, the icon can immediately start appearing at its AoD location, showing the AoD-dashed UDFPS icon, without any bg protection. Fixes: 229047979 Test: atest UdfpsKeyguardViewControllerTest Test: enable AoD & enroll UDFPS, press power button from HOME or app Test: enabled AoD & enroll UDFPS, screen timeout from HOME or app TesT: enable AoD & enroll UDFPS, pull down shade on HOME then press power button Change-Id: I10d54121f9da51bd41a5256f82c520935829f1a7 Change-Id: Ib6d82b484075eab8687ecb4c63babb335d34d163
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