# ![ulogger_logo_small](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3366666/24080878/0288f046-0ca8-11e7-9ffd-753e5c417756.png) μlogger [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/bfabiszewski/ulogger-android.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/bfabiszewski/ulogger-android) [![Coverity Status](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/12109/badge.svg)](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/bfabiszewski-ulogger-android)
μlogger [*micro-logger*] is an android application for continuous logging of location coordinates, designed to record hiking, biking tracks and other outdoor activities.
Application works in background. Track points are saved automatically at chosen intervals or manually and may be uploaded to dedicated server in real time.
This client works with [μlogger web server](https://github.com/bfabiszewski/ulogger-server).
Together they make a complete self owned and controlled client–server solution.
## Features
- meant to be simple and small (*μ*)
- low memory and battery impact
- focus on privacy, doesn't use Google Play services, logs to self-owned server
- uses GPS or network based location data
- synchronizes location with web server in real time, in case of problems keeps retrying
- alternatively works in offline mode; positions may be uploaded to the servers manually
- allows adding waypoints with attached images and comments (required μlogger server version 1.0+ for synchronization)
- configurable tracking settings
- export to GPX format
- automation
## Screenshots
## Download
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## Help
- μlogger's current status is shown by two leds, one for location tracking and one for web synchronization:
led | tracking | synchronization
-|-------- | ---------------
![status green](https://placehold.it/10/00ff00/000000?text=+) | on, recently updated | synchronized
![status yellow](https://placehold.it/10/ffe600/000000?text=+) | on, long time since last update | synchronization delay
![status red](https://placehold.it/10/ff0000/000000?text=+) | off | synchronization error
- clicking on current track's name will show track statistics
## Automating
- μlogger may accept commands from other applications for starting or stopping its operations. To make it work you must explicitly enable this functionality in app settings ("Allow external commands" switch).
- commands are sent as `broadcasts` with following `intent` parameters:
- target package: `net.fabiszewski.ulogger`
- target class: `net.fabiszewski.ulogger.ExternalCommandReceiver`
- action: `net.fabiszewski.ulogger.intent.action.COMMAND`
- extra: `"command": [command name]`, where command name is one of:
- `"start logger"` for starting position logging
- `"start new logger"` for creating a New Track and starting position logging to it
- `"stop logger"` for stopping position logging
- `"start upload"` for starting track data upload to server (in case live tracking is off)
- third party examples:
- Automate (LlamaLab) – Send broadcast block with `Package`, `Receiver Class` and `Action` fields as above and `Extras` field eg. `{"command": "start logger"}`
- Tasker (joaomgcd) – System → Send intent. Fields `Action`, `Package`, `Class` as above and `Extra` field eg. `command:start logger`
- command line: `am broadcast -a net.fabiszewski.ulogger.intent.action.COMMAND -e "command" "start logger" net.fabiszewski.ulogger net.fabiszewski.ulogger.ExternalCommandReceiver`
## App settings guidelines
Finding the optimized settings for your practice can be a bit complex and may require you to do a lot of testing.
As a first approach, here are some parameters that offer a good compromise between precision and the number of points acquired by your server.
| Activity | Time | Distance | Accuracy | Provider |
| **hiking/cycling** | 30 seconds | 100m | 100m | GPS + Network |
| **motorbiking** | 1 minute | 500m | 50m | GPS + Network |
They may not be optimal, depending on your feelings, and you will have to adapt them.
## Contribute translations
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## Donate
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## License
[![License: GPL 3.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL--3.0-green.svg)](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0)