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Commit c2160c84 authored by Jack Pham's avatar Jack Pham
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ARM: dts: msm: Enable second USB instance on SDM845

Enable the second USB instance on SDM845 CDP and MTP boards which
have a physical connector. Also define the pinctrl entries for the
VBUS and ID pins which are connected to the PMI8998's GPIOs. These
can then be mapped via the extcon-usb-gpio device to provide cable
connection detection to the controller.

Note that only the CDP has ID pin and VBUS boost functionality, so
MTP effectively supports peripheral mode with VBUS detection only.

Change-Id: Id7fa608fc8799f64e3f3d7edd5fe6abcfcb3e84c
Signed-off-by: default avatarJack Pham <>
parent fb8f000f
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