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Commit 22f0d90a authored by Mark Brown's avatar Mark Brown
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regmap: Support register patch sets

Device manufacturers frequently provide register sequences, usually not
fully documented, to be run at startup in order to provide better defaults
for devices (for example, improving performance in the light of silicon
evaluation). Support such updates by allowing drivers to register update
sets with the core. These updates will be written to the device immediately
and will also be rewritten when the cache is synced.

The assumption is that the reason for resyncing the cache will always be
that the device has been powered off. If this turns out to not be the case
then a separate operation can be provided.

Currently the implementation only allows a single set of updates to be
specified for a device, this could be extended in future.

Signed-off-by: default avatarMark Brown <>
parent dcd6c922
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